Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Free Bird!

Maybe it’s just me, but I hate it when some drunk guy (it’s never a girl) yells  “Free Bird!” between songs at a rock show. Why does this bother me so much?  I’m not quite sure, but let’s examine some possibilities:
1.       It’s not funny.. or original.  I don’t know when this practice entered popular culture – the first I was aware of it was in a Beavis & Butthead short film (prior to the MTV series) in the early 90s – although I’m sure it was around before then.  It possibly dates back to the “What song is it you want to hear?” dialogue from the live version on One More For The Road (1976). In any case, when you yell “Free Bird” anywhere other than a Skynyrd (or Skynyrd tribute band) show, you are being a douchebag. Nobody in the bar or in the band is amused. Most likely they want to punch you in the balls.

2.       Nobody plays “Free Bird” anymore. There was probably a time in the late 70’s and 80’s where every crappy cover band did this song, but no longer. I am trying to think of the last time I heard anyone other than Lynyrd Skynyrd do this song. It was probably over 20 years ago.

3.        Do you even know what “Free Bird” sounds like? I have the suspicion that most people    yelling for it don’t even know the song.  Kind of like how most people who wear Ramones t-shirts don’t listen to the Ramones. They just think it’s a cool thing to do.

4.       I am a loser and shouldn’t waste my time worrying about what some wasted knucklehad is yelling at a rock show.   
So, what is the solution?  People like to shout “Free Bird” more than they actually want to hear “Free Bird”.  So, my fellow musician friends; “Free Bird” is not a particularly tricky song to play or sing. We should all just learn it - the worse it sounds, and the longer the end guitar jam, the better.  Be careful what you ask for, punk.  You just might get it!
Get to work, kids. Here’s a link to the tablature:

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